Supervisory Leadership Training (SLT)
View Sessions & ApplyIndividuals sometimes receive training when they first move into a supervisory role, but over time their roles evolve, the workforce changes, and new research on effective management emerges.
This three-day Supervisory Leadership Training (SLT) course for the public workforce is designed to give participants enhanced skills and new strategies to manage staff effectively, whether they're new to a supervisory role or have held those responsibilities for years. The course includes a mandatory 90-minute Zoom wrap-up conversation to take place one month later.
About the Supervisory Leadership Training program
Gallup's comprehensive workforce study found that 75% of people have left a position to “get away from their manager” at some point in their career. That study took place in 2016, before the pandemic, remote work, and Zoom were commonplace!
Another study by Zenger for the Harvard Business Review (December 2021) found that the average age of a person being promoted to a supervisory role is 33 and the average age of a supervisory training participant is 42. That means people go an average of nine years working for a manager who isn’t equipped to supervise staff.
While “The Great Resignation” has added a new dynamic, a study conducted by Route 50 in 2022 found that 52% of employees who resigned said their managers could have prevented them from leaving. Managers who have conversations with their employees can often find solutions to keep employees. In short, good managers are the key to retention even in these changing and turbulent times.
SLT is a highly reviewed, practical, engaging, and relevant training for new and seasoned supervisors. Classes are composed of other supervisors working in the public sector and facing similar challenges. Participants will gain new skills and strategies to put to use immediately to manage staff effectively.
SLT curriculum
This popular three-day training pairs cutting-edge research with best practices in leadership and management to equip supervisors to manage effectively, improve team performance, and ultimately retain employees.
Smaller class sizes allow robust discussions with other public service supervisors and foster learning from not just the instructor but also one another.
Topics include:
- Leading through change
- Conflict resolution
- Effective listening
- Psychological safety
- Inclusive leadership
- Leading remotely
- Coaching and motivation
- Delegating effectively
- Providing meaningful feedback
In addition, participants will be guided through a personal assessment that allows them to understand:
- Their motivations
- How their motivations change in conflict
- How to motivate team members by appealing to their motivations
- How to use that understanding to better manage conflict
Additional details
The cost for the three-day SLT training and 90-minute Zoom assignment wrap-up conversation is $750 per person.
The fee covers tuition and materials. Most commonly, agencies sponsor their employees’ participation. Sponsoring agencies are billed by the PMC once classes have started.
Disclaimer: If your state, municipality, or agency is funding your participation in a Public Management Center program, please make sure that your participation complies with the specific funding requirements set by your organization.
Participants are taken through a personal assessment to understand their leadership and communication styles and how they approach their teams. They learn tools to manage conflict and build cohesive and transparent workplaces that value all members.
SLT is a 3.5-day class that meets from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a mandatory 90-minute wrap-up Zoom that will take place about a month later. Online sections take into account Zoom fatigue and adhere to a varied schedule over the initial three days. SLT is offered four times a year, generally once per quarter.
I thought the SDI assessment was amazing. Very impressive on how accurate the results were. Thanks so much. I learned a lot of great techniques. —2020 participant
Learning tips on how to manage remotely was a topic that directly relates to me. Although Zoom is a tough format, the instructors were outstanding! —2022 online participant
This class caused me to reflect on my role as a supervisor. I’m no longer just an expert in my field. I need to be a teacher, inspiring my team to achieve extraordinary results. —2023 participant
I learned how to delegate and to trust others with tasks. I have struggled with letting go of things. But this helped me dive deep into ways I can support my team and take a step back. —2023 participant
Refreshingly insurgent presentation that went beyond “be nice to each other and follow policy.” I think you set us all up for success with helping define our roles, demonstrating how all leadership motivations have value, and giving us some real tools to manage opposition so it does not become conflict. —2023 participant
Questions about the Supervisory Leadership Training program?
Sara Reiter
Manager of Supervisory Training & Custom Courses