Harnessing the Power of One-on-One Coaching

What is coaching?
Coaching is a tool that often goes unexplored but that can provide significant momentum, drive, and motivation for a number of issues faced by leaders at all levels in an organization. Coaching is a confidential dialogue to explore and find creative ways to address challenging problems, improve team and unit performance, accelerate progress on key initiatives, and advance your career within a specified number of sessions.
How do you know when coaching could be helpful?
Sometimes you just know the time is right. How do you know? Well, it’s often when all of the things you’ve tried to address a tricky problem just don’t seem to be working. Or when you find yourself looking at the year ahead and wondering where to begin. Or perhaps you are considering a job one (or more) steps up the career ladder and you want a plan to get from here to there.
What can it do for me?
Coaching provides a confidential space for you to explore an area of need and identify actions you can take to help you move forward. You will work with the coach to identify a pressing, compelling challenge and test out ideas for action. Coaching is not therapy or counseling. You are responsible for your own actions and results that arise from the coaching relationship.

What can I expect?
To get the best results, you will need to be invested in the coaching relationship and be committed to achieving the goals you establish in the initial session. You will need to be fully present and open to receiving coaching, including potential challenges to previous ways of thinking.
How do I get started?
Make sure you find a coach that you believe can work well with you and your area of need. The best coaches have completed rigorous training and practice with other coaches and have been certified to serve as a coach operating with the highest ethical standards. Most coaches will provide an introductory session to learn more about your needs, and to share information about what the coaching engagement would look like.
Can I work with a coach at the KU PMC?
Yes, you can!
To learn more and set up an introductory session, visit our website. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get started on your new path forward.