Leading Edge Program Finds a New Permanent Home at the University of Kansas Public Management Center

Wed, 05/08/2024


Alex Terwilliger

A New Chapter Begins: Leading Edge Program Joins University of Kansas Public Management Center, Elevating Local Government Leadership


Media Contact: Alex Terwilliger

Lawrence, Kansas - The University of Kansas Public Management Center (KUPMC) is excited to announce its role as the new steward for the esteemed Leading EDGE Program. Formerly based at the College of Charleston and managed by the Commonwealth Center for High-Performance Organizations, Inc., this relocation marks a significant milestone as the program joins the top-ranked school for local government over the past 25 years, according to US News and World Report.

The Leading Edge Program, known for empowering local government professionals to implement strategic initiatives and enhance organizational performance, has found an ideal home at the Public Management Center within the School of Public Affairs and Administration. Leveraging the expertise and resources of KUPMC, the program is poised to achieve even greater success in developing leaders and driving organizational transformation.

"We are thrilled to integrate the Leading Edge Program into our core offerings at the University of Kansas Public Management Center," said Marilu Goodyear, Interim Director of KUPMC. "This collaboration underscores our commitment to fostering excellence in local government leadership and effecting meaningful change in the public sector."

Through this partnership, KUPMC will enhance its offerings by integrating the history and expertise in organizational effectiveness from CCHPO.

"CCHPO is delighted that the University of Kansas Public Management Center will continue the proud history of the Leading EDGE program," said Tony Gardner, Director of CCHPO. "Our mission has always been to equip leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate today's complex organizational landscape successfully and I have no doubt that KU will maintain that tradition."

The partnership between KUPMC and CCHPO signifies a shared dedication to advancing organizational performance and fostering sustainable growth across the sector.

For more information about the Leading Edge Program and the University of Kansas Public Management Center, please visit KUPMC's website.

About University of Kansas Public Management Center (KUPMC):

The University of Kansas Public Management Center (KUPMC) is dedicated to advancing excellence in public service through innovative education, research, and consulting. With a commitment to empowering leaders and transforming organizations, KUPMC offers a range of programs and services designed to meet the evolving needs of the public sector.

About Center for High Performance Organizations (CCHPO):

The Center for High Performance Organizations (CCHPO) is a leading research and consulting organization specializing in organizational effectiveness and performance enhancement. Through cutting-edge research and evidence-based practices, CCHPO equips leaders and organizations with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve sustainable high performance.

Wed, 05/08/2024


Alex Terwilliger