Public Management Center Conferences

The Public Management Center is responsible for hosting three annual conferences: the Kansas City/County Manager Conference (KCCM), and the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Leadership Institute (ALI); the Inspiring Women in Public Administration Conference (IWPA). 

Like our classes, PMC conferences strive to connect our faculty's latest research to practical techniques that participants can go home and use on day one.  

We are strong believers that networking opportunities are as valuable as the content while we are gathered, and we work plenty of time and opportunities to enjoy getting to know or catching up with others into our events.  We want you to be inspired and increase your professional (and personal) network while you are with us. 

Kansas City/County Manager Conference (KCCM)

We welcome public service professionals from around Kansas and the Kansas City Metro area to Lawrence each spring.  KCCM is a full day and a half of programming with keynote, panel discussions, and lots of networking time built in.  

Inspiring Women in Public Administration (IWPA)

This bi-annual conference (hosted in even years) focuses on issues facing women in public service organizations.  Open to men and women, speakers bring a unique perspective to today's leadership challenges.

American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

The PMC is honored to provide this annual leadership development series to professionals serving in state departments of transportation around the country.  The series offers new perspectives on leading organizations and self-development so participants return to their organizations inspired, refreshed, and renewed.